Welcome to my life, my blog

Welcome to my life, my blog
My Life As A Fashion Addict

donderdag 14 mei 2009


I am só sorry for not being able to entertain you for a while. I'm a busy, busy girl.

Exciting news: I am an intern for ELLE! Everybody knows that magazine right?
I work there for 10 weeks, and the first 5 are over. I absolutely love it, the people are incredibly fashionable and awfully kind. I love it. I love it. I love it.

I would definitely recommend for you to take a look at 'our' fabulous website:

If you search with the tag: Jeans, you'll find a fotorepo: Me, Myself and my Jeans. Guess what? I DID THAT! together with a very kind photographer and someone from ELLE!

I promise to update very soon with a cute post!


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